Candidate, Board of Finance
- Community Involvement
- Government Experience
- Board of Finance, Chairperson
John Moise is a familiar face around Southington and is not without significant experience in local government.
Beginning in 2003 John served for two years as an alternate on the Planning and Zoning Board. In 2005 he was elected to the Board of Finance and served as its Chairperson from 2007 to 2009. On the Board of Finance John is known as a tireless watchdog over government spending. A conservative fiscal manager, John believes that government must accomplish what it can only at a pace it can afford.
John Moise was a member of the Capitol Projects Committee and Chairperson of the Self Insurance Committee. A member of the Southington Democratic Town Committee, John also served as its Chairperson.
John Moise believes that government service means listening and understanding the needs of all citizens, working cooperatively with others to benefit the town of Southington. John believes that government service means long hours and hard work. A man with an extensive background in community and government service, John is an asset to the Democratic Team. He has the experience and the knowledge that will make him a productive member of the Southington Board of Finance.
Interested in education, John has contributed time and talent to the Southington School System. From 2002 to 2006 John served as PTO President for Hatton Elementary School. He followed this with three years as PTO President for DePaolo Middle School, and then served for three years as PTO President for Southington High School. John also served on the Southington Schools Redistricting Committee from 2002 until 2004, and he served on the Plantsville and South End Building Committees, capping community service to the Southington Schools that began in 2002 and continues through today.
John Moise attended Central Connecticut State University and he is a Supervisor at CT Transit. John and his wife Nancy and their two sons, Jonathan and Jake, live at 238 Stonegate Road.
John can be reached at or 860-628-5083 if you have any questions or concerns in regard to the Southington Board of Finance.