Southington has a strong history of dedicated volunteers who serve our community. Many towns and cities across the country want the same civilian oversight of its police, fire and other municipal departments that Southington has. So, why are we being asked to change the town charter to eliminate this oversight?
Is it a cost savings issue? Southington commission members do not get paid. And under the present Charter all department budgets must go to the Town Manager and the Board of Finance and then to the Town Council for approval. The appropriate checks and balances already in place have served this town well. So, the idea that there would be a savings has no merit.
So, why should you vote “no” to change the town charter? Because there has been no demonstrated need to change it. The most significant part of our charter, the budget process, doesn’t change, and the day-to-day operations of the two public safety departments will not change.
Citizen involvement has always been a part of Southington’s government since the council-manager charter was adopted. We should not start down the path of giving all authority to one person and removing real citizen input from the process.