Candidate, Board of Education
Pat Johnson has been a member of the Southington Board of Education for twenty years. During her terms, she has served as BOE Vice Chair, Secretary, and Chair of the Policy Committee. She is currently on the Curriculum and Policy Committees. Pat is also a Board liaison to Derynoski Elementary School, Kennedy Middle School and Southington High School. This gives her an additional opportunity to meet with parents and share information with them.
Pat has served on the Bread for Life Board of Directors, the Prudence Crandall House Board of Directors, and the St. Thomas Church Parish Council. She was the Derynoski Elementary School PTO President, and CoChair for two years of the SHS All Night Grad Party. She is currently a member of the Southington Historical Society and the Southington Genealogical Society.
Pat’s experience will continue to prove invaluable in meeting the challenge of maintaining quality education for our students in an era of increasing state and federal mandates. Her knowledge of balancing these challenges with their potential financial impacts will be beneficial to the taxpayers of Southington.