Caleb Cowles

cowles-2023Planning & Zoning Commission

Occupation: Supervisor, New Britain Health Department

Caleb has served as an alternate on the Planning and Zoning Commission for the past 4 years.

Land use in Southington touches every citizen. Housing development brings the opportunity for new families to live in our town, but can also cause over development concerns among residents. Caleb asks relevant questions regarding the impact of any proposal. He takes his obligation to balance the impact of overdevelopment on our neighbors with the rights of a property owner to develop their own land with sincere gravity.

In addition to his regular duties on the commission, Caleb has worked on the subcommittee charged with the reorganization of Southington’s zoning code. Over the decades, zoning regulations have been pieced together, making them extremely challenging to understand. The completion of this work will put us in line with state statutes and make the code easy to follow.

Professionally, Caleb’s responsibilities include enforcing the Connecticut Public Health Code, Connecticut General Statutes, and local ordinances including housing, blight, and zoning regulations as they impact the built environment. Caleb has relied on these experiences to inform his process as he weighs the potential impacts of the proposals presented to the commission.

A Southington native, Caleb returned to Town six years ago, becoming the third generation of his family to reside at their home on Rourke Avenue along with his wife Erin and their son Jonah.


Elks Lodge 957 (2022 Member of the Year)

CCARC, Corporator

Southington Parks and Rec, Basketball Coach

Lower Mill Neighborhood Watch


Bachelor of Science, Central Connecticut State University

Masters of Public Health with a Certificate of Public Administration from the University of Connecticut

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