Make financial decisions based on the real needs of the community rather than political considerations.
The Board of Finance must be apolitical in budget recommendations to the Town Council. While various parts of our town are appropriately focused on only their own needs, the Board of Finance must take a broad look at the town and consider all residents when making budgetary decisions. We must look not only at the present, but plan for the future to maintain the town’s financial soundness for current residents as well as for our children’s future.
We have upgraded our computer technology throughout town. Our entire town is now wi-fi accessible. During recent Board of Finance Adopted Fiscal Policy workshops, We have encouraged an increase in our Fund Balance (rainy day fund) from 9% to 10% (of the previous year end’s revenue balance) just to ensure that we have enough in reserve. Showing rating companies how conservative we are will garner us a better interest rate on our bonds. Our Debt Management (Bonding) must be no more than 8% (of the previous year end’s expense balance). This will be critical as we start bonding the Middle Schools, Turf Field, Road repairs, Sewer upgrades, etc. in 2014.
We would all like to see every improvement done, but we cannot do them all at once. Priorities must be adhered to. We must balance town improvements and debt management.